Welcome to He Still Speaks

The purpose of this site is to provide a searchable archive of sermons and sermon series preached and recorded at Ridgecrest Baptist Church for the “He Still Speaks” radio program. Most of the sermons on this site were preached by Hosea Bilyeu during his 30 years as pastor of Ridgecrest Baptist; however, some series were shared with other pastoral staff at Ridgecrest, whose names are identified on the specific sermon descriptions.

Sermons are grouped by series and topics, and may be accessed with the following options:

  • Sermons that belong to a series are grouped together. Use the “Sermon Series” menu item to navigate to a page that will list the series that have been included in the site. You can also use the “Sermon Series” pull down menu on the right side of the page to see a list of all sermon series that are available.
  • Individual sermons–those that do not belong to a sermon series–are also grouped together. These may be accessed by clicking the “Individual Sermons” link in the menu at the top of the page. This will display a page that lists all sermons that do not belong to a specific series. This list may also be viewed by selecting the “Individual Sermons” from the Sermon Series pull-down menu.
  • If you would like to view a list of sermons for a particular topic or Biblical passage, clicking a link in the “Topic” section will display a page that shows all sermons that have the topic assigned.
  • One additional method of listing sermons for a particular topic or passage is to use the “Search” box. Simply type in a word press Enter, and the sermon archives will be searched and results will be displayed. This tool may be used to search the sermon titles, descriptions, date, and any other attributes.

Download instructions: If you would like to download a sermon for offline listening, just click the three vertical dots at the end of the audio player (next to the volume button). A link will pop up allowing you to click to download. This will download the mp3 file to the designated downloads folder on your device.
